Came across this position on DailyGammon. Often, the most tricky positions are the ones where there is no good move and you have to decide between several poor alternatives. But sometimes there are positions like this one, many good moves, the best of which certainly on the path to winning this game.
But what is best? The hit 6/4* is clear. But then
- I can cover and move two checkers from behind, 6/4*(2), 20/18(2)
- or I can boldly double hit with 6/4*, 20/14*
- or I can hit and cover and move one back checker forward to maximize my chances to hit his blot on 14 with 6/4*(2), 20/16
What would you play?
According to XG2, the double hit is an overplay. Not a blunder, but costs you 0.066 points of equity. The best move is 6/4*(2), 20/18(2), followed by 6/4*(2), 20/16 (-0.027).
Fortunately I had the same intuition 🙂