Another position that I found tricky. Black to play 66.

Now if a 66 would move three checkers, or even only two, things would be easy. 22/16(3) or (2), done, happy. But with four I can either go 22/16(2), 22/10 and face a double hit, or I can try to hit on the 4, move one checker to the 16 point, 22/4*, 22/16. Or maybe move two checkers 22/10(2) and face a blitz with the remaining checker?

What would you do?

Okay, here’s the solution according to XG2. The best move is risking the double hit. Logic is probably:

Here’s its analysis. What I find particularly interesting is that I felt I was winning this game as black. when actually I’m only winning 37% of the games from this position, according to XG2.

XG’s analysis